
Magical Magic Tricks-Illusion Magic- Sleight of Hand

Greetings budding Merlins!
Magical Magic Tricks.
It would be impossible to describe and completely embrace every facet of illusionary magic in an  Article of roughly 400 words. llusion Magic is a deeply skilful almanac of talent, that requires the utmost concentration, and patience to master as many of the skills as you can. many with very odd effects marked cards. Not only do you have to be 100%  perfect in your memory, You also have to perfect Sleight of Hand. No mean trick for a great many of us. If one is considering entering the mysterious world of magic, One had better start practising Sleight of  Hand Magic as soon as possible ! In fact, no other optical illusion magic trick has been quite as popular as an optical illusion magic trick that use's mirror and lights.

With proper use of mirrors, magicians have been able to confuse audiences and  convince them, through optical illusions via the mirrors, that the Master Magician has just sawn some  poor lady from the audience in half, and that her head is no longer attached to her body and is floating  around the room.
Use of mirrors and lights are still very popular among magicians. The effect of the proper use of mirrors  and lights, is that the optical illusion created, will defy the intellect, make intelligent people gape stupidly,  and result in improbable assumptions. In fact, the very basis of optical illusion magic tricks is to make  the viewer make 'false assumptions'.
And be taken in by words meant to distract their attention and to also, at the same time, accentuate movements that are only superfluous to the real trick; often,  even involving pure and simple trickery.
In these modern times Magicians perform the most amazing optical illusion magic tricks,  Over the years easy cards tricks the illusions have just got more and more "Impossible" Which keeps us all guessing  and coming back for more .

You KNOW that no one can walk through the Great Wall of China, and yet I have a book that will show  me  how it is accomplished!!!  We know that it cannot possibly be done, but there is the Magician  performing it ...."right before your very eye's" as the Magician's of yesteryear used to say between cries of "Hey Presto"
We must agree that todays Magical Magic Tricks are Jaw Dropping illusions that defy Logic.
Sleight of Hand Illusions.
Is Sleight of Hand Magic, Magic?
Of course it is! Sleight of hand is a name for an array of techniques which are used to manipulate objects to make  them appear, disappear, grow, shrink, and multiply "before your very eyes" You can see it happen, on stage, right before you, So it must be Magic!!
Sleight of hand is an important part of most magic acts; Magicians have used it for centuries to perform the old 'Rabbit from the Hat' trick. and that has stood  the test of time, it is still performed in improved variations, alonside mind boggling playing card tricks. While our maestro performs a range of other modern Magical Magic Tricks for our enjoyment.
Sleight of Hand has one obvious draw back, But this only limits the Artist from performing on a central stage.  ie. He must always have his audience in front of him, in order that his Sleight of Hand tricks are not  visible to anybody behind him.
That small problem doe's not restrict our intrepid and persistent Magician, just limits their  showbusiness venues.
Sleight of hand is a great art. It is a popular tool, if not the only, amongst close-up magicians. It has been around for hundreds of years, and is as old as magic itself, and is a vital part of a good  magician's repartee.   Sleight of hand needs truckloads of practice and patience, but is a vital part of every successful  magic act. Sleight of hand, card marking, trick decks and a variety of other ploys are used in  performing magic tricks in front of a camera or on stage.  Good sleight of hand card tricks are never easy and improve only with time and practice,  and even then......
Author. Jackson Grant

