
Leaks: Something's Dripping, and It's Money

No, this is not an article on plumbing.
Leaking is an unhappy condition and pretty much exactly what it sounds like. Something's dripping - and it's money.
There's a guy I've known for years. He's a decent middle-stakes marked cards player, probably a long-term winner. But he has a leak. He thinks he knows something about the horses.
He doesn't, and he won't listen to anyone who does. He sits at the poker table with the Daily Racing Form in his lap. When he's not in a hand, he takes a couple of quick glances and tries to handicap.
Every half hour or so he goes to the simulcasting room and systematically piddles away his poker winnings.
That's a leak, and he's not alone. Our game has more than its share of legends who bleed profusely from self-inflicted wounds at craps tables, baccarat and games like golf and basketball.
Many also have a poor head for business and are prone to invest in offbeat ventures that are closer to scams than honest enterprises.

